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To Educate and Inspire Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities To Educate and Inspire Today's
Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities

Inside WSC

5District Curriculum
4Curriculum Map Index & Course Coordinators
Western Primary School
Western Intermediate School
Western Middle School
Western High School
Curriculum Information
WSC Strategic Plan
School Profile
Corporation Stats (InView)
WSC High Ability Manual
Annual Performance Report
WHS Graduation Rate
E-Script (Request Transcripts)
AR BookFind
Safe Schools Tipline
Child Care Search
Kokomo Howard County Schools Guide
Parent Advisory Council
SchoolMessenger/Skylert News and Info
Understanding our Student's Technology World
School Supply Lists
Background Check: Parents, Volunteers, Lay Coaches Info
Title I Information
No Child Left Behind
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Information
Dyslexia Information
Learning Links
Public Health & Safety
Community Bulletin Board (Russiaville and Surrounding)
WHS Reunion Information
Large Conf Room/ Banquet Hall Info
Facility Use Information and Request
WSC Seclusion and Restraint Plan
Western School Corporation Performance Report
Western KASEC General Parent Handbook
Criminal Organization Policy
Contract Information
Technology/ STEM Education
3Skyward Info and Help
How to access Skyward New student and KG
Skyward Family Access Documentation
Skyward Family Access Help
1:1 iPad Information
RUP/ Internet Use Policy
Western Internet Use Policy
Facilities and Transportation Main Page
Busing Information
Fieldhouse Information
Facility use info and request
Change Site Password
Doculivery (Payroll)
Documents and Forms
Western Policies and Bylaws
PantherWeb (Requires Western Google Login)
5Health Services
Western Corporation Nurse Directory
School Health Forms
Health Policies
Meridian Health Clinic Information
2Department of Exceptional Learners and Testing
Department of Exceptional Learners and Testing Information
Exceptional Learners and Testing Main Information Site
Interested in Becoming a Western Panther?
What's Happening At Western
Food and Nutrition
Western School Corporation has a proud tradition of excellence, which is evident by the continued success of our students, our outstanding Fine Arts, Athletic, and Academic Programs, and our high graduation rate. We offer a broad curriculum to meet the various needs of our students and we have a caring staff who are committed to helping every student succeed. We are also a progressive school corporation that strives to offer the programs and experiences to prepare our students for life after high school. If you are interested in becoming a Western Panther and a part of our Western family, please read on.

Prior to each new semester, applications for students interested in transferring to Western are accepted. Applications are available at the link below. When submitting an application, also include the student’s attendance, discipline, and academic transcript.

Transfer requests for a NEW upcoming school year should be submitted No Later Than May 1st. Transfer requests for the SECOND SEMESTER should be submitted No Later Than December 1st. In both cases, if eligible transfer requests exceed projected openings, a lottery drawing will be held at the May and December School Board Meetings to determine who will be accepted. In the event that the eligible transfer requests do not exceed the available openings on May 1st or December 1st, eligible transfers will be accepted on a first come first serve basis until either capacity is reached or the semester begins. No transfers will be accepted after the start of a semester.

Transfer Guidelines:
  • A student will not be accepted
    • if the student has been suspended (as defined in IC 20-33-8-7) or expelled (as defined in IC 20-33-8-3) during the twelve (12) months preceding the student’s request to transfer under this section:
      • for ten (10) or more school days;
      • for a violation under IC 20-33-8-16;
      • for causing physical injury to a student, a school employee, or a visitor to the school; or for a violation of a school corporation’s drug or alcohol rules.
    • if the student has a history of unexcused absences.
    • if the transfer is for athletic reasons
  • Students will not be accepted once a semester begins. A new application will need to be completed with the required documents for the next semester or school year as outlined above.
Western School Corporation does not travel outside the district boundaries to pick up transfer students. Western will transport transfer students from an in district bus stop if space is available on the bus. Otherwise, transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or the student if he/she drives.

Electronic Application:
Application for Transfer Link

Notification Procedures:
Once an application is submitted with the required documents, the school will review the information and contact you through email regarding your request.
The following is a list of school contacts for you to call (765-883-5576) if you have any questions regarding any of our schools or would like to schedule a tour of one or more of our schools.

Superintendent, ext. 5126
High School Principal, ext. 4030
Middle School Principal, ext. 3030
Intermediate Principal, ext. 2030
 Primary Principal, ext. 1030
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If you come across information that is inaccessible to you or someone else please contact the webmaster and describe the content or functionality that is currently inaccessible.
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Western School Corporation Mission Statement:
To educate and inspire today's students for tomorrow's opportunities.
Copyright 2025, Western School Corporation
2600 S. 600 W. Russiaville, IN
P: 765-883-5576      F: 765-883-7946